Rumble in the Jungle

4 min readMay 18, 2021

CardanoApes is the first project on Cardano that combines NFTs and 3D assets. Since we revealed our efforts to the public, the wider Cardano community has been extremely empowering which motivated our team even more. Today we’re going to share the latest developments from the lab and announce our next steps.

The Realization of Higher Dimensions

When the CardanoApes experiments started far away from mainstream, ape society only existed inside a two dimensional world that has been growing in a giantic 2D jungle created by metaverse scientists. As the studies of this metaverse lab continued, one of the researchers realized that some test subjects glitched their bodies in unusual ways.

At some point one particular CardanoApe flickered transparently before a body glimpsed out of the virtual screen towards the scientist. He was amazed and called in his collegues but the ape has moved back onto the 2D plane. An ape glitching into virtual reality? Did this happen? Most didn’t believe these claims but the scientist who experienced it continued to replicate the situation.

After long hours of tooling and hands-on experimentation he found the secret ingredience to glitch these apes into the 3D realm. As the experiments went on some of the teams’ researchers found out how to scale the efforts and bring more apes into the third dimension to manifest their appearances into reality.

The lab decided to channel all energy to construct tools that allow community members to adopt these apes. Some tokenized 2D beings have never shown their face but the lab wants to find out more about the appearance of them. We cannot promise if we can pull these apes out of the 2D prison but have doubled down our efforts to do so.

Metaverse Community Sale

On May 21st at 6PM UTC we’ll take a snapshot of all CardanoApe holders. The recorded data will define the foundation for the first two phases of the MetaverseApe sale. The total supply of these 3D NFTs is 3000. The majority is either gifted or offered to CardanoApe holders on discount.

Phase 1: The Siblings Airdrop

On May 21st at 6PM UTC we’re going to take a snapshot of all CardanoApe holders. All owners of twins, triplets or quadruplets CardanoApes at that point are going to receive free MetaverseApes directly send into their wallets — no action required!

  • 1 MetaverseApe per CardanoApe Twin
  • 2 MetaverseApes per CardanoApe Triplet
  • 3 MetaverseApes per CardanoApe Quadruplet

There are still a few days left to scan the jungle and find suitable siblings for your CardanoApes. The total amount of the NFTs will be released shortly after the snapshot. These gifts will be airdropped after the sale has ended.

Phase 2: Community Sale

The second phase ends on May 21rd at 6PM UTC. Owners of CardanoApes will be able to purchase MetaverseApe NFTs for a 24h time frame. A total amount of 1500 MetaverseApes are offered exclusively to CardanoApe holders over this duration.

For each CardanoApe that an address is owning at the time of the snapshot one MetaverseApe can be purchased at the price of 15ADA per NFT, a 85% discount.

The original CardanoApes NFTs will forever reflect OG status inside the ecosystem and we invite our community members to use them as profile pictures and avatars on social media.

Phase 3: The Public Sale

The public phase of the sale starts on May 23th at 6PM UTC. Everyone can buy MetaverseApes for 100 ADA per NFT. In this final phase we’re selling NFTs until all 3000 have been minted and the MetaverseApes crowdsale sold out.

The Start of the Ape Ecosystem

The priority right now is to increase the metaverse compatibility of the CardanoApes franchise and strategically position the project in the NFT community. After releasing the metaverse debut NFT series we’re opening the CardanoApes ecosystem to 3rd party developers and designers. We’re in touch with partners who are able to further increase metaverse compatibility of CardanoApes.

In the long term, once the first DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) framesworks will exist on Cardano, the CardanoApe NFTs can be utilized via smart contracts to vote on project related decisions. We are aware that NFT staking will be a huge topic in the future and will provide documented APIs that can be used for defi (decentralized finance) integrations like this.

We are cementing an immutable foundation at this early stage of the journey and our goal is to open-source the project into the community over the long term. Growing a social base via Discord and Twitter is a compounding goal that we’ve been serving from the start. Ape in, lets rock!

Update: Lowered the phase 2 price from 50 ADA down to 15 ADA to reward our early supporters and community members.

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